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DIY Guide

This is an archival page for instructional guides. For incremental updates, check out our Facebook page!

PVC Slant Style “Naname” Practice Taiko Ver.1

Note: Measurement for purple part is 27 – 28 inch. The final length depends on your personal preference and height.

PVC Slant Style “Naname” Practice Taiko Ver.2

This is an improved and more sophisticated version, featuring no-detaching parts when collapsed.

A 33-page IKEA-style PDF instruction has been released. It is available for our newsletter subscribers only (3-4 per year).

To see it in action, visit our Facebook page!

Practice Odaiko (steel, tape) 2014, old version

This is a pre-DIY Taiko drum, it inspired what came after. A drum has little use without a stand, therefore I built an odaiko stand for it. Having access to an odaiko, I used it to apply for Taiko Center of the Pacific fellowship and was accepted. Then it was the training that urged the need to design more practice instruments.

Practice Odaiko Stand (2014, old version)

PVC Practice Shime (2016, sitting style)

I used gas stove to bend this pipe. Later I realize boiling water is hot enough to bend. FYI.

Practice Kane (2016, from tin can)

So I’ve made shumoku long since I designed Q-Moku. At the time it was already obvious that wine corks are way too light for balance. This set is only good for running through the motion, not much for training.